The HiveMinded Story

The Honeybees have much to teach us when it comes to collective wisdom and effective decision making.

Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and travelling to a new home, honeybees stake everything on a remarkable process honed over millions of years of evolution.

In the late spring and early summer, as a bee colony becomes overcrowded, a third of the hive stays behind and rears a new queen, while a swarm of thousands departs with the old queen to produce a daughter colony.

Bees evaluate potential nest sites, advertise their discoveries to one another, engage in open deliberation, choose a final site, and navigate together―as a swirling cloud of bees―to their new home.

Inspired by this great Mancunian symbol of unity and hard work, we’ve built a different type of agency.

The team at HiveMinded cares about doing great work, so we can then enjoy great moments away from work.

We believe that any decision-making group should consist of individuals with shared interests and mutual respect, a leader's influence should be minimised, debate should be relied upon, diverse solutions should be sought, and the majority should be counted on for a dependable resolution.

We call it Swarm Intelligence – the process where individuals come together to make the best, most educated decisions.

We Play Well with Others.

HiveMinded is a proud member of an independent network of agencies strategically located to provide global reach and capabilities. Our ability to tap into these partners’ world-class expertise throughout the planet is just one of our many secret weapons.

Made in Webflow